Adoption-Sensitive clinical treatment, Supervision, consultation, and research

Work with Amanda

  • Therapy

    The ideal choice to support an adoption-informed perspective on your growth and development that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle. Dr. Baden is a licensed psychologist in New York and New Jersey. and is authorized to practice telepsychology in 42 states under the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) and granted by the PSYPACT Commission.

  • Clinical Supervision

    For new and established therapists seeking support for building an adoption-informed and sensitive clinical practice.

  • Research

    Learn about and consider participating in adoption-related research with Amanda Baden.

  • Consults

    Looking for coaching, a short-term consult, or a professional presentation?

Personal support and guidance

Building your adoption awareness

Try something new

Begin exploring the role that adoption has played in your life and development. Learn from and adoption-informed therapeutic perspective.

Target Specific Issues

Transracial and transnational adoptees benefit from racial and cultural analyses and understanding. Develop strategies and skills to support the identity journey.

Schedule a consultation